Living in Climate Truth: Updated

Updates Living in Climate Truth is, I believe,  the most widely read article I have written. Originally published on Alternet, it was viewed more than 10,000 times and received more than 1,400 shares on Facebook, and was featured on EcoBuddhism. It continues to be one of the most read articles on this blog. When I originally …

Fred Branfman: Remembering an Ally

Fred Branfman, a lifelong activist and dedicated Climate Mobilizer, died two weeks ago of ALS. May he rest in peace. During the Vietnam War Fred exposed the US bombing campaign in Laos, making every attempt to stop the assault on civilians. His book, “Voices From the Plain of Jars: Life Under an Air War,” contained interviews with …

We Marched Together in Climate Truth, Together: Now We Mobilize

Attending the People’s Climate March was exhilarating for many reasons. In the coming months, we must not let the feeling dissipate, as media attention languishes, and the memory of the march slips away. The question is how. I was there with a small team from The Climate Mobilization—a grassroots organization or “social movement start-up”—and we …

Are You in Climate Change Denial? Three Signs to Look For

A slightly shorter version of this post was published yesterday on the Psychology Today blog, “Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Action”  It is easy to scoff at climate change “deniers”—people who refuse to believe the scientific consensus that fossil fuel emissions are causing global warming and a host of disastrous impacts, including intensified drought, flooding and severe …

“Moral Power for Climate Action” Video from Climate Collaborative

This is a Climate Psychologist milestone! While I have, until now, posted only original content, this video, by Climate Collaborative provides a fantastic reason to change it up. Moral Power for Climate Action From the video: “When I look at my own 3-year old daughter, I almost never allow myself to think about climate change and …

Learning about Climate Change is a Revolutionary Act: Top 5 Books to Educate and Empower

You “know” that climate change exists. But how much do you really know? How current is your information? How deep is your understanding? Because climate change is terrifying, we have the tendency to purposefully not learn more about it, to avoid new information. I believe it is a moral, and strategic, obligation to fight this …

Living in Climate Truth, Sections I-V

 I Introduction Our society is living within a massive lie. The lie says, “Everything is fine and we should proceed with business as usual. We are not destroying our climate and, with it, our stability and our civilization. We are not committing passive suicide.” The lie says we are fine—that climate change isn’t real, or …

Living in Climate Truth, Sections VI-X

Return to Sections I-V VI Tokenism Environmental tokenism plays a major role in maintaining the Climate Lie. Tokenism asks that you reduce your carbon footprint, recycle, bike, and turn off the lights when you leave a room. This is the dominant discourse on climate change. When people think: “God, climate change is terrifying! What should I …