Allies-I have exciting news. The Climate Mobilization is very close to launch. Only one hurdle stands in our way from having TCM website built and beginning to spread the Pledge to Mobilize: we need to raise approximately $20,000 to pay for the design, programming, and other miscellaneous launch expenses.
To accomplish this, we have begun an IndieGoGo campaign: Launch the Climate Mobilization. If you could consider contributing and spreading the word about The Climate Mobilization, and our fundraising campaign, that would be terrific. The campaign will only run until 7/22, so act now!
We have also developed a slideshow, which provides an overview of The Climate Mobilization and the Pledge to Mobilize. You can watch the slideshow below, or view on full screen (It looks better on full screen!). So let me know what you think and thank you very much!