Self Help for the Climate Emergency–Announcing my book!

My friends– I am excited to tell you that Facing the Climate Emergency: How to Transform Yourself with Climate Truth is available online & in stores now. *All proceeds go to Climate Mobilization. There is also an audiobook, which I recorded myself 🙂  Are you feeling increasingly depressed about the future? Terrified? Enraged? Helpless? Facing …

Grieving the Future you Thought you Had: Excerpt of Facing the Climate Emergency

I’ve published an excerpt from my forthcoming book “Facing the Climate Emergency: How to Transform Yourself with Climate Truth” on Common Dreams. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? In 20? Perhaps you plan to be advancing in your career, married, with children or retired, living near the beach, traveling often. Whatever it is—have …

“Transform Yourself with Climate Truth” Kickstarter

Friends; Are you struggling to cope with the climate emergency? Are you terrified or in despair?I wrote a book for you. Transform Yourself with Climate Truth opens a new genre: self-help for the climate emergency. The goal of this book is to help you feel your feelings and turn them into effective, heroic action in …

Climate Truth Featured in New Yorker Article

I am proud to be featured in this New Yorker article. It’s especially great that they shoutout my forthcoming book Transform Yourself with Climate Truth. More re: my book coming very soon! Margaret Klein Salamon, who trained as a clinical psychologist before founding a climate-advocacy organization, takes the opposite view. She doesn’t see fear as …

The Transformative Power of Climate Truth

Thousands of people have read my essay The Transformative Power of Climate Truth through the years, and I have updated it several times. See the most recent iteration, including an analysis of Trump, the breakthroughs in the Climate Emergency Movement, and more. Available on medium here.

Climate Truth and the New York Magazine’s “The Uninhabitable Earth”

Last Week, David Wallace-Wells published a cover story in New York Magazine, “The Uninhabitable Earth,” on some of the worst-case scenarios that the climate crisis could cause by the end of this century. It describes killer heat waves, crippling agricultural failures, a devastated economy, plagues, resource wars, and more. It has been read more than …

Leading the Public into Emergency Mode: A New Strategy for the Climate Movement

  I published Leading the Public into Emergency Mode: a New Strategy for the Climate Movement in 2016. I published an updated version, Leading the Public into Emergency Mode: Introducing the Climate Emergency Movement in 2019, reflecting the development that a climate emergency movement, as I imagined years before and attempted to lay groundwork for, had finally arrived. …

The Case for Climate Mobilization

What is a Climate Mobilization? Why do we need it? What would it include? Since introducing the Pledge to Mobilize, I  have received many of these questions about what, exactly, The Climate Mobilization is advocating, and whether or how it is compatible with other proposed climate solutions. Ezra Silk, deputy director of The Climate Mobilization and I …

Best Metaphors for the Climate Crisis

Use of Metaphors in Therapy and beyond. Therapists, especially of the psychoanalytic persuasion, love and value metaphors. Metaphors are vivid, creative interpretations of reality that communicate on multiple levels. Like dreams, metaphors integrate rational thought with fantasy, imagery, and emotion; they are simultaneously rational and irrational. Therapists use metaphors to explain psychological concepts, like, “You …