What Climate Change Asks of Us: Moral Obligation, Mobilization and Crisis Communication

This article was originally posted on Common Dreams   Why are we morally obligated to fight climate change? Climate change is a crisis, and crises alter morality. Climate change is on track to cause the extinction of half the species on earth and, through a combination of droughts, famines, displaced people, and failed states and pandemics, …

Living in Climate Truth: Updated

Updates Living in Climate Truth is, I believe,  the most widely read article I have written. Originally published on Alternet, it was viewed more than 10,000 times and received more than 1,400 shares on Facebook, and was featured on EcoBuddhism. It continues to be one of the most read articles on this blog. When I originally …

Fred Branfman: Remembering an Ally

Fred Branfman, a lifelong activist and dedicated Climate Mobilizer, died two weeks ago of ALS. May he rest in peace. During the Vietnam War Fred exposed the US bombing campaign in Laos, making every attempt to stop the assault on civilians. His book, “Voices From the Plain of Jars: Life Under an Air War,” contained interviews with …

We Marched Together in Climate Truth, Together: Now We Mobilize

Attending the People’s Climate March was exhilarating for many reasons. In the coming months, we must not let the feeling dissipate, as media attention languishes, and the memory of the march slips away. The question is how. I was there with a small team from The Climate Mobilization—a grassroots organization or “social movement start-up”—and we …

First Video! Introducing The Climate Mobilization

What a weekend! The People’s Climate March was an absolutely outstanding, beautiful experience, and The Climate Mobilization had a great launch! Here is a brief update on our March activities. We talked with tons of Marchers about the Pledge, gained many allies, and received an exciting, if surprising, amount of press attention!  But since this is …

Climate Mobilization Presentation: Saturday

This Saturday, the night before the People’s Climate March, the Climate Mobilization will be having our first public meeting. I will be giving a presentation, Ezra Silk and Ryan Brill, the other cofounders, will also speak. Then we will have Pledge giving and a strategy discussion based on the question, “How can each of us …

Rising to the Challenge of Our Time, Together: Introducing the Pledge to Mobilize

Below is Rising to the Challenge of Our Time, Together–the strategy document for  The Climate Mobilization. (Or read it as a PDF) It was written by myself and Ezra Silk, with help from several allies especially Phillip Sutton, who basically wrote the appendix. It is an update of Rising which was published in February. We came a long way as an organization …

Demands for the People’s Climate March and Beyond: Introducing the Pledge To Mobilize

A Movement and a March: Full of Possibilities The People’s Climate March September 21st will likely be the largest march for climate action that has ever taken place. We should be grateful to the organizers and sponsoring organizations for putting so much time, energy, and resources into persuading tens (or hundreds!) of thousands of people to come …

Meet me Tuesday in Boulder, CO!

I will be in Boulder, Colorado this week before my cousin’s wedding this weekend in the mountains. There are so many awesome, brilliant allies in Boulder, that I thought having a little get-together would be productive and fun. Come talk about the Climate Mobilization and our upcoming launch,  about living in climate truth, about psychology, and about …

Impressive self-reflection from a young climate activist

I just read the article  “A Young Climate Activist Reflects on Lessons Learned” by Chloe Maxmin, the student leader of Divest Harvard, and I am so impressed! Chloe clearly thinks deeply about herself and her activism. My favorite of her points are #2, 3, and 6. #2 Being thoughtful, even in a terrifying crisis, I …

Yale Poll: Millions of Americans Would Take a Climate Pledge!

Ever wonder: “Who would sign the Pledge to Mobilize? Could such an idea ever get mainstream traction?” This is a crucial question, that Yale’s Climate Change Communication team has helped answer! Their just-released poll shows that: “Millions of registered voters* would sign a pledge to vote for, would work for, or would give money to candidates who …

“Launch The Climate Mobilization” Fundraiser (and slideshow!)

Allies-I have exciting news. The Climate Mobilization is very close to launch. Only one hurdle stands in our way from having TCM website built and beginning to spread the Pledge to Mobilize: we need to raise approximately $20,000 to pay for the design, programming, and other miscellaneous launch expenses. To accomplish this, we have begun an …

Are You in Climate Change Denial? Three Signs to Look For

A slightly shorter version of this post was published yesterday on the Psychology Today blog, “Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Action”  It is easy to scoff at climate change “deniers”—people who refuse to believe the scientific consensus that fossil fuel emissions are causing global warming and a host of disastrous impacts, including intensified drought, flooding and severe …

Rising to the Challenge of Our Time, Together: Introducing the Climate Mobilization

This version, Published in 2/14 is now outdated! Read the updated version, published in 9/14!      Climate change presents us each with a fundamental choice. Will we watch passively as our climate and our civilization collapse around us? Or will we mobilize and fight back? To avoid total catastrophe, the United States must respond …