Blueprint for a Climate Emergency Movement

Allies, After Donald Trump’s election, we at TCM went back to the drawing board. “How are we going to successfully commence climate mobilization under these insane political conditions?!” we asked. We devoted hundreds of hours to reading, conversation and study to attempt to answer this question. I’m now excited to share some of the conclusions …

The Climate Emergency & The Election: A Pathway to WWII-scale Mobilization

A message from Ezra on the Election: Fellow Mobilizers, I have new article in Common Dreams today about the election. I would be honored if you read it: The Climate Emergency & The Election: A Pathway to WWII-scale Mobilization Here’s my bottom line: I think our climate mobilization movement is toast under a Donald J. Trump …

Recruiting for Climate Year: Give One Year to Save Civilization

Allies, We are thrilled to announce our new Climate Year program. As part of our new strategy to ensure that the U.S. federal government commences a WWII-scale climate mobilization to restore a safe climate by July 4, 2017, we are looking for brilliant, talented, dedicated people who want to fight for civilization and the natural …

Leading the Public into Emergency Mode: A New Strategy for the Climate Movement

  I published Leading the Public into Emergency Mode: a New Strategy for the Climate Movement in 2016. I published an updated version, Leading the Public into Emergency Mode: Introducing the Climate Emergency Movement in 2019, reflecting the development that a climate emergency movement, as I imagined years before and attempted to lay groundwork for, had finally arrived. …

Reflections on Mobilization: Video of Me and Ezra While in Iowa for The Climate Mobilization’s highly successful Climate Emergency Caucus, Ezra Silk and I took some time to reflect on how The Climate Mobilization got started,  and the theoretical and moral underpinnings of our efforts. One issue that kept coming up was the Holocaust, which is personally meaningful to both of us. Ezra …

Introducing the Emergency Climate Movement

I am very pleased that my article, The Emergency Climate Movement has been shared on EcoWatch more than 600 times. I am working to get it posted on other blogs, too, so why not start with The Climate Psychologist 🙂 Introducing the Emergency Climate Movement We are living in a state of planetary emergency. To …

The Transformative Power of Climate Truth: Illustrated (and updated)

I am extremely pleased to announce The Transformative Power of Climate Truth, Illustrated Version! The main addition here are the beautiful illustrations and formatting are by Katharine Woodman-Maynard, The Climate Mobilization’s lead graphic designer. This version is updated to reflect recent events in The Climate Mobilization and in the climate movement more generally. The main addition …

Obama’s Climate Legacy: Open Letter Demands Mobilization

Here’s the Media Release for the project I have been working on for the past few weeks, Add your name! Share widely! Open Letters to President Obama Champion Zero Emissions Goal at Paris Talks. Add Your Name.  President’s Climate Legacy Hinges on Launching Emergency World War II-Scale Climate Mobilization CONTACT: Tom Weis, Climate Crisis Solutions …

The Transformative Power of Climate Truth: Updated w Encyclical Material

I published “The Transformative Power of Climate Truth”  3 months ago. This updated version addresses, Laudato Si Pope Francis’ recent Encyclical, which is one of the most profound, and sure most powerful, statements of climate truth that has ever been made. This version also includes The Climate Mobilization’s recent successes. It was extremely easy for me …

Mobilize Iowa: The Climate Mobilization Enters Presidential Politics

The Climate Mobilization is ready to enter presidential politics, and bring the need for a WWII-scale Climate Mobilization into the national conversation. Ed Fallon, a former 14-year Iowa state legislator, veteran organizer, talk radio host, and accomplished climate activist, has agreed to lead a Climate Mobilization organizing effort in Iowa! Ed will use the Pledge to …

The Climate Psychologist, now on Video and Radio

I have been very busy planning 6.14 National Climate Mobilization Day, in which Mobilizers in more than 15 US cities, as well as Paris and Mexico, demand WWII scale climate mobilization! Join us! Take the Pledge to Mobilize from me! But I wanted to let Climate Psychologist readers know that I have some new material– and …

The Transformative Power of Climate Truth

7/29/15  An updated version of this essay now exists! It includes material from Pope Francis’ Encyclical on our Common Home, Laudato Si, as well as updated news of The Climate Mobilization’s recent successes. I strongly recommend you read that version! For those who prefer to read the original, Sans-Encyclical, out of date version: Enjoy 🙂 …

The Science of Climate Crisis: Recount by David Spratt

The Climate Mobilization has been very influenced by David Spratt and Philip Sutton, our allies in Australia. Their book, Climate Code Red, Spratt’s ongoing work on the blog Climate Code Read, and Sutton’s expert counsel helped us arrive at the ambitious, necessary targets in the Pledge to Mobilize. Well, David Spratt has a new piece …

The Case for Climate Mobilization

What is a Climate Mobilization? Why do we need it? What would it include? Since introducing the Pledge to Mobilize, I  have received many of these questions about what, exactly, The Climate Mobilization is advocating, and whether or how it is compatible with other proposed climate solutions. Ezra Silk, deputy director of The Climate Mobilization and I …

Props for Denial Intervention!

We’re facing a global emergency, but the great majority of Americans are acting as though everything is fine. The Climate Mobilization is creating tools and props to help each of us intervene in the trance of collective denial in our daily lives. As I elaborated in my recent article in Common Dreams, climate change creates a situation of …